Haven of Dreams ensure that equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities of women and men, girls and boys, gender diverse people are taken into consideration. Haven of Dreams has been part of the community actions to implement a program dubbed ‘Know your rights’ This has been made possible through Advancing Equality Through |Human Rights Education, funded by Equitas and WEL. The program has reached over 600 people through focused group discussion, community awareness forum and through chief baraza. During the community action women were elected in leadership positions to take roles and responsibilities in their community.

Human Rights and Gender Equality is integrated in all the programs within the organization. In the Okoa Kairetu progam we have embraced a culture of human rights education especially while giving and receiving feedbacks and building effective group dynamic from all the stakeholders and more especially during community awareness forums. As we implement our activities we also ensure we enhance a Human Right Based Approach with a gender perspectives through participation and inclusion, accountability and transparency, Non-discrimination, empowerment and linking to human rights and 7 staff members have been capacity build. We ensure the applicability  of the underlying principles of human rights in our work.We give equal respect during individual and group therapy to the teenage women and girls.

We have collaborated with various partners. Through  Women’s Empowerment Link has greatly partnered with HOD and other organizations to implement Community Actions ‘Know your Rights’ that reached over 600 people through focused group discussion,community awareness forum and through chief barazas.During the community action women were elected in leadership positions to take roles and responsibilities in their community.HOD have also collaboration with Nakuru East and West Gender Based Violence cluster, Sexual Reproductive Health Network,Nakuru Mental health network and Nakuru Child Rights Network. AS we collaborated with this networks we managed to train the various stakeholders in NE&WGBV cluster on elements of HRBA with a gender perspective. This involved looking at the impact of gender on people’s opportunities,social roles and interaction,ways to change gender relation and questioning and responding to the underlying values and factors for unequal status and treatment through gender analysis. HOD therefore looks at the gender equality and gender inequalities that exists within the environment and tries to question why the inequalities yet everyone has the right to equality (UDHR).