Adolescents and Youth Empowerment
Adolescents and Youth Empowerment
Our model focuses on holistic mentorship in different spheres (Mental, Socioeconomic) at different ever-evolving ages. We deal with disempowering factors like families, community, and systemic challenges to give adolescents a voice. Direct Service We have been a link between youth living on the streets and youth-friendly services to provide referrals for reproductive health services. Outreach
❖ School outreaches to train different life skills using the She’s the first tool
❖ We have held community engagements dubbed, ‘Know Your Rights’ to create awareness of human rights and establish community champions for Human Rights
Our advocacy is towards improved/enhanced access and delivery mechanisms for adolescents and youth empowerment with intersections to mental health and emotional well-being. Advancing accountability and the upholding of the principles of human rights by duty bearers. Joining alliances and networks to contribute to improved outcomes for adolescents and youth.
Celebration of international days
Nakuru Mental Health Walk, an annual event- In partnership with Nakuru County Mums and Dads we used sport for development specifically walks to create awareness of mental health.
In 2021, the theme, It is okay not to be okay we created awareness on Mental health, and the need to talk and seek help to over 500 Nakuru Citizens. Dance was used for relaxation
In 2022, the walk was held and attracted over 1,000 participants to talk about how stress manifests at different ages and how to manage it effectively.
In 2020 during the youth week, we created awareness of self-care to deal with life’s pressures and the pandemic
World Suicide Prevention Day- World suicide prevention, 2020 we created awareness of suicide and how self-care can prevent suicide cases. We lit candles in memory of those who died by suicide.
May Mental Health Awareness Month- We held dialogue meetings with men to provide a safe space for the community as research has shown that though women attempt suicide more than men, a lot of men die by suicide.
In collaboration with Black Coffee and Hyrax Hill, we held an outreach for youth out of school and adopted nature therapy to create awareness of mental health.
❖ VCAT training conducted to help parents, religious leaders, and community leaders understand how they can approach Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights among adolescents and help in dealing with intergenerational patterns.
❖ Every year, in the 3rd Week of March we partner with civil societies to mark the International Adolescents Health Week. In 2021, held a series of events to mentor adolescents in Nakuru West and East Sub-Counties. This brought interaction with over 300 adolescents in both sub-counties as well as students from Vera Beauty college.
❖ Gumzo mtaani bringing youth and stakeholders as a soft approach to reduce criminal involvement among the youth
❖ Launch of male youth mentorship in partnership with Cycle for fun and Lifesong who cycled from Nairobi to Nakuru. This is an annual event marked every 10th October where we use sports to mobilize the youth and offer mentorship to the youth